Battle hordes of monsters and destroy their burrows in Crystalis Descendant - a fast-paced rogue-lite game. Create overpowering builds using a diverse cast of characters, weapons and abilities while you choose how to dominate the arena.

Crystalis Descendant Discord


Crystalis Descendant is an endlessly replayable Action Roguelike where your goal is to annihilate hordes of crystal monsters and conquer the arena! Welcome death with open arms as you upgrade each time. Unlock new permanent upgrades outside the arena to prevail next time you go into the fray again!

Crystalis Descendant Crystal


  • 9 different weapons and abilities with each their unique playstyle and upgrades
  • Random temporary upgrades each run
  • Countless builds made by you
  • Obliterate burrows to charge the crystal and survive
  • Numerous different and unique enemies
  • Unique bosses granting bountiful rewards
  • Over 200 different upgrades to make you stronger every run
  • Various achievements
  • Controller support
  • Colorblindness support


Train to become the finest warrior of them all! Charge up the Crystal to make the challenge harder. But beware as the Crystal shows no mercy nor does it pick a side. Gain temporary upgrades to stand a chance against the endless horde of monsters. Annihilate everything in your wake and make sure they don't come back!

Crystalis Descendant Hordes


Become stronger after each run as you unlock new permanent upgrades to greatly enhance your weapons and abilities.

Crystalis Descendant Temporary Upgrades


Pick your favorite character and equip them with a weapon of your choice! Select a suitable ability to aid you in your battles ahead.

Crystalis Descendant Permanent Upgrades


Unlock and use the random upgrades at the end of each wave to the best of your capabilities. Form strategies and build towards the ultimate gladiator. Made a mistake? Fear not! These upgrades disappear when you step outside of the arena.

Crystalis Descendant Burrows


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I dont get it it just auto kills me after like a min, and seams realy bad for a demo showing me nothing of why i even want to play the full game???

Hello, sad to hear that you aren't really into the demo so far. I'm guessing the reason you get automatically killed is because your Crystal overload bar at the top was full. You need to destroy the burrows to push back this bar, when all the burrows are destroyed you can continue to the next wave. Hope this helps and thank you for playing!

OK got to boss it feels ok i guess just kind of boring not seeing how it distinguishes it self in the genre?